Habit Therapy

Habit TherapyHabit Therapy services offered in San Clemente CA

If you don’t correct them early, childhood behaviors like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can lead to tooth misalignment and skeletal deformities that require extensive orthodontic treatment in the future. Alex Brandon, DDS, works with local myofunctional speech specialists to provide habit therapy in San Clemente, California, to curb these behaviors before they cause compounded oral issues. Call the San Clemente, California office, or request a consultation online at Brandon Orthodontics for habit therapy today.


What is Habit Therapy?

It is an orthodontic service for children whose early childhood oral habits could lead to dental and orthodontic issues. Through habit therapy, Brandon Orthodontics trains them to discontinue these habits and repair any damage that has already come as a result.


Which Habits Can Habit Therapy Correct?

It can correct many behaviors that arise from infancy or toddlerhood. Such behaviors can affect your child’s gum health and bite, prompting the need for costly and time-consuming dental and orthodontic care in adolescence. 


Brandon Orthodontics specializes in the correction of common habits like the following.


Thumb and finger sucking: Some small children find comfort in similarly sucking on their thumbs to feeding on a bottle. While this habit tends to go away with age, you should ask about habit training at Brandon Orthodontics if it persists because it can affect your child’s bite permanently. 


Tongue thrusting: Tongue thrusting describes a child’s habit of pressing their tongue into the backs of their teeth. You can tell if your child has this habit with signs like mouth breathing, a speech impediment, or a visible open bite. Treating tongue thrust with habit therapy is vital because this habit can cause tooth malformation, malocclusion, and permanent speech issues.


How Does Habit Therapy Work?

During your child’s visits, they can visit with the office therapy dog, Rayne, to settle any nerves or anxiety about going to the orthodontist or being in a new setting. Therapy can continue once your child has become acquainted with Rayne and the team. 


The team evaluates any damage that has already resulted from your child’s thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting. They also ask you when you first noticed the behavior and how often it occurs. 


Brandon Orthodontics can work directly with a lab to correct your child’s habits with custom oral appliances. Usually, appliances for habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting include fixed appliances to curb these habits. The appliances dissuade the child from thrusting their tongue or putting their fingers in their mouth. You come in regularly for progress checks at Brandon Orthodontics as your child participates in habit therapy. Once the habit stops, your child’s orthodontist can work to make any necessary orthodontic repairs.


Habit Therapy in San Clemente

Thumb sucking and tongue thrusting might not seem like much of a big deal, but stopping these habits can prevent long-term orthodontic and speech issues. Habit Therapy can be a powerful tool for young children struggling with difficult habits like thumb and finger sucking and tongue thrusting that have become impossible to control independently. With the help of our trusted and experienced professionals, anyone can begin the journey towards positive habit transformation by taking steps to correct these behaviors at an early age. Therefore, if your child is experiencing difficulty controlling certain habits, it’s important to act sooner rather than later. 


Don’t hesitate any further! Get started on your child’s path toward success today by calling for a consultation to discuss how Habit Therapy can benefit your child’s health and development now and in the future! We the one-stop shop for all your dental needs. Our treatments include special needs orthodontics, retainers, and nightguards  in San Clemente, California. Schedule an appointment at Brandon Orthodontics over the phone or request one online today. 


We look forward to seeing you and your children’s smiles!